Gender Pay Gap

Our gender pay gap statement

Glendale is proud to deliver services to the community, and attracting and retaining a diverse range of employees strengthens our ability to deliver our goals.

The Glendale mean (average) gender pay gap is -9.1% and the median (average) gender pay gap is -8.8%.

The Gender Pay Gap is different from “equal pay”. Equal pay related to men and women being paid differently for “like work” carrying out the same or comparable jobs. At Glendale, women and men in like for like roles are remunerated equally.

In the reporting period to April 2024, Glendale had an overall gender split of 91% male and 9% female. In common with other employers in the industry, Glendale is working to improve the gender balance amongst the workforce. We aim to make Glendale a great place for everyone to work, regardless of gender, and to be rewarded fairly. We are committed to ensuring we have a diverse, gender-balanced workforce where everyone can succeed.

I can confirm that the information and data reported in the link opposite are accurate as at the snapshot date, 5th April 2024.

Alex Paterson – Managing Director, Glendale

Download The Gender Pay Gap Statement